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Berlin needs a new brand strategy

I am heading off for a week in Berlin.  As I have shared my vacations plans with friends and colleagues the first question that is always asked is "Why Berlin?"  I actually have a reason.  I attended a Retail Congress a few years ago and happened to sit next to a young reporter who had spent a year in Berlin.  He told me that the former East Berlin is still very cheap to live in and so Berlin has once again become the mecca for struggling artists.  It is attracting quality and talent as it did in its former glory days during the 20s and 30s.  I also watched how areas of burgeoning creativity can quickly turn commercial (can you say SOHO?) so I thought I had better get over there pronto.  But clearly Berlin needs a better marketing strategy.  Young people know its cheap and tour books say it is a must-do if you are going to Germany but that doesn't sound like much of a differentiator to me.  Upon my return I will have more to add to "Why Berlin?"

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